This is the circular letter for Easter that was sent to the members of the Company of Mary and our associates by our Superior General:
The Lord is risen indeed… (Lk 24:34)
In these days as we approach the celebration of the Paschal Feast, a profound joy is rising in my heart and I feel a desire to share this joy with all of you. We celebrate each year the victory of the Saviour over death, over everything that can destroy life or prevent this life from being proclaimed in order to bring renewed joy to mankind.
This year we also have two extra reasons that can help us to experience this paschaltide with a special vision by reason of our Montfortian religious life:
- The year of Consecrated Life is a time that demands of us a renewal of our commitment in order to be a prophetic sign in today’s world, to build bridges between cultures, to break down the walls that separate us from one another, and open us up to fraternity, harmony and peace.
- The opening of the Tercentenary of the death of our Founder (24 May, the feast of Pentecost) is an opportunity and a time of grace for revitalising in us the wealth of the inheritance bequeathed by Saint Louis de Montfort to the Church in the service of evangelisation.
Dear brothers and friends, I invite you to a time of discernment and prayer, in joy and enthusiasm, in order to take up again, with the Paschal fruits of courageand daring, the mission that God has entrusted to each and every one of us in giving to our lives that light and opening to the Holy Spirit that we find in the heart of the Blessed Virgin from the moment of the Annunciation up till Pentecost.
Wishing you a happy Easter and Resurrection,
Fr. Santino Brembilla, SMM